Why randomness is tricky on a public blockchain?

Let us consider a smart contract that generates the random numbers on chain. How does it generate the random numbers?

Using the block hash of the previous block, current balance of the smart contract and the nonce which starts from 0 and increases each time the random number is generated.

This is the code:


pragma solidity >=0.5.0 <0.9.0;

//This is the smart contract where we are generating a random number on chain
contract Randomness{

    uint256 public nonce = 0;

    //This is the function that returns the block number
    //Also the block number gets increased every time
    function blockno() public view returns(uint)
        return block.number;

    //This is the function that returns the hash of the previous block
    function gethash() public view returns(bytes32)
        return blockhash(block.number-1);

    function getrandomhash() public view returns(bytes32)
         bytes32 temp=gethash();
         bytes32 hash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(temp, address(this), nonce));
         return hash;

    function getrandomfromhash() public view returns(uint)
        bytes32 temp=getrandomhash();
        return uint256(temp);

    //Now this is the function which returns a random number
    function getrandom() public view returns(uint)

        uint temp=getrandomfromhash();
        return temp%16;

